The first pin for national Olympic Committee (NOC) was 2017.
In 2018, Lesotho, Ghana, Madagascar, Uganda, Tajikistan, Burundi and Cape Verde made about 20 pins; and WorldWide Friendship created a new serial pins “I participate”. This serial pin is focus on the coming Olympic Games with special element from the host city or country.
The first pin of “I participate” was for 2018 PyeongChang Olympic winter games and it was designed with a Korean couple with traditional costume, along with the Korean words “Happy new year” because the traditional new year was in the middle of the games.
The second pin of “I participate” is for 2019 Tokyo Olympic games and it is designed with a lucky cat (日文:招き猫), with English and Japanese words “I will partcipate”. Moreover, it is a movable pin, and the ring on the cat neck can be moved. What a lovely pin!